Introducing our future Olympic swimmers! I was lucky enough to stand in line for 3 hours to sign these two up for swimming lessons! They sure had a good time.
It was really good for Luke. There were a couple of times I glanced over at his group and he was crying because they were pushing him out of his comfort zone but he bucked up and learned alot. He can't wait to get back in the pool and play, he shows me in the bathtub all the things he has learned!
Ryan was in the mom and tots group so I got to get in the pool with him and play. It was fun. They focus on getting to the wall with the little ones and floating. He LOVED jumping off the side of the pool and scoot along the side of the wall to the ladder and climbing out and jumping in again. On the last day of his class Caleb took an early lunch and came to play in the pool with Ryan and had alot of fun.
I loved the swimming lessons because they were right before nap time, and both kids would be so worn out from spending an hour in the water and i was lucky to make it home and get them out of swimming suites before they crashed!