Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Bikers Soar for Wildlife
Who doesn't LOVE a wood burning stove?!?!
The Cates move to TAYLOR?!?!!!
Kitchen, and yes you can see Ryan sleeps in the kitchen. His bed was too big to fit through the door of the bedroom and we were just too tired to take it apart and put it back together so there it has stayed.....but he actually loves it. When I cook dinner he wants in his bed so he can watch and when I cook breakfast in the morning he just rolls around in his bed and jabbers at me!
The view from my kitchen sink, not so fond of the laundry in the kitchen but it works!
Another view from my kitchen sink.....little stinker :)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Christmas tree '09
Helping Daddy cut the tree!
Ryno is ready to be done! Too much falling down in the snow makes COLD hands!
Happy Family
Wouldn't you know it, the only picture in which everyone is looking at the camera is the one that Luke is wearing calebs moms goofy hat! Ahhhh memories!