Sunday, March 22, 2009


Ok so we almost didn't stay to watch these guys, the kids were hot, there was NO shade and TONS of people, and as we were leaving someone said there was just a few minutes until the thunderbird show, so we toughed it out and boy are we glad we did! I wish I would have had my video camera because you never knew what they were going to do and it was AWESOME! If you have never been to an air show (this was a first for ALL of us) I very highly recomend it! There is no way to tell you how cool it was to be there and watch all these guys having the time of their life up in these planes! But here are a few pictures.......

Luke is ready..... Ryan is ready....
poor baby, these were so uncomfortable for him so I took them off cause it wasn't loud....2 seconds after I took them off.......FLY BY!
All 6 in formation, I still get goose bumps!

cool huh?

It was so cool when these 2 would come around and meet, they did something different everytime. My favorite was when one went upside down and the other stayed up

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