Saturday, May 24, 2008


Memorial Day Weekend in Taylor has become 'Trapper Days' ( They have some cool stuff to see if you have never been. We went today for the tractor show and parade. Luke
loves tractors and they had so pretty cool ones too! We even found a friend with his tractor there and he let Luke sit on it, he loved that! They also had a pit bull pulling contest where they hook the dog up to a harness and put weight on a sled and see how far then can pull. Its pretty cool to see the heart that some of those 'mean and vicious' dogs have! There was also a tractor there pulling barrels that had been cut so that the kids could ride in them. I didn't think Luke would like it for very long so I was just gonna let him ride in it while they turned around but he ended up taking 2 rides! I could barely get him out! It was only 60 degrees and spitting rain occasionally but what a day for a tractor loving boy!


Joanna said...

Hi Audra! I saw you on Jennifer's blog and thought I'd say hey. My hubby works with your hubby out at the mill. It looks like your little boy and my girl Moriah are about the same age. Aren't the terrible twos so fun? HA! Anyway, congrats on baby #2. That's exciting. Check out our blog if you want to it's
Talk to ya later.

Zonnie said...

Hey that John Deere looks familiar..he he! I didn't even know they were doing that up there or we totally would have come..I only heard about it after the fact. Our little ones would get along great because Sascha loves tractors too...actually that is the next post I have to do on our blog. Miss you guys! I need to get up there more!